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> khaki

From Urdu from Persian.

Persian and Sanskrit are closely related and thought to have originated from a common Proto-Indo-Iranian language from about 4000 years ago.

Fair point as I'd chosen to use Hindi (culture) rather than India (geographic region), though of course India itself derives from Hindi (the word).

A fuller set of candidate languages, from Wikipedia: Hindi, Urdu, Kannada, Malayalam, Sanskrit, Tamil, Teluga, Bengali, Assamese, Bengali, and Marathi.


You're still missing Persian, which is the direct origin of Khaki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khaki#Etymology

Urdu/Hindi and probably lots of other languages in that cultural region have plenty of loanwords from Persian

I'm sure someone will pitch in with specific sub-dialects as well shortly.

I'd reported languages based on Wikipedia's citing. That's publicly-editable, and if you have sourced references the links I'd provided can be updated.

See also note 1: <https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17436048>

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