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@Neonate: for some reason replies are disabled on your comment https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37711567, so I'll have to post a sibling comment to ask: why did you post the archive links? The page is neither down nor has any sort of pay or tracking cookies wall. I didn't even get annoying newsletter pop-ups or anything.

Your profile shows a lot of posting these, but also normal comments in between so it can't be a system account. Is this automated or what's the reason here? And what's the deal with not being able to reply? Lastly, do your comments always get voted to the top (knew I should have implemented this, I was thinking about industrial sized karma farming myself but didn't think it would be appreciated) or are they pinned by a moderator?

I added the archive links because the page wasn't responding when I clicked on the link.

My comments aren't automated and they don't get upvoted to the top. The mods pin archive links sometimes.

I had the same in mind for my account

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