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"I see a lot of confusion here, probably Clouflare should have included an explanation of how ECH works in TFA instead of referring to their other article[1]."

Even better would be to explain why SNI exists. This in turn explains why CDNs like Cloudflare are interested in it. SNI allows CDNs to operate as intermediaries on a www where HTTPS is increasinglty mandatory for every website. With respect to the "privacy" of TLS it is peculiar to put ISPs and governments in one category and CDNs in another. If ISPs (without ECH) or CDNs (with or without ECH) are getting a list of every domain the user visits, then governments can get the same list by requesting it from the ISP or CDN.

The question, IMHO, is whether there are other possible technical solutions besides TLS SNI to allow multiple HTTPS sites to be hosted on the same IP. Is it possible to obviate the need to use a third party such as a CDN to solve this problem. Is it possible to obviate the need for duct tape solutions like ECH. ECH is proposed as a solution for the "plaintext domain names over the wire" problem. But that problem only exists because it's created by the use of SNI. And SNI exists to enable one to host multiple HTTPS sites on the same IP. Today, CDNs are the primary benefactors of SNI. They host 10s or 100s of 1000s of HTTPS sites on a limited number of IPs. These are the primary users and benefactors of SNI.

For example, consider this prototype, which some believe inspired the advertising company-sposonsored "QUIC":


"An ISP or site administrator can easily run a huge number of CurveCP servers on a single global IPv4 address, even if the servers are independently operated with separate long-term public keys. This feature is provided by a simple extension mechanism in CurveCP addresses.

CurveCP servers are inherently anti-aliased, providing automatic virtual hosting and fixing some of the deficiencies in the "same-origin" policy in web browsers. This feature is provided by a simple domain-name mechanism in CurveCP addresses. If a site has two server addresses, and one server is down, a CurveCP client will quickly connect to the other address.

A CurveCP connection remains fully functional even if the client changes IP address.

CurveCP is fully compatible with existing NAT (network address translation) mechanisms; none of the above features require clients or servers to know the global addresses of their gateways."

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