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Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!

I basically spend zero time on games in general, downloaded the demo and spent 10h in 3 days on it. I'm resisting buying the full game because I know exactly how it'd end.

> I'm resisting buying the full game because I know exactly how it'd end.

It won't end, thats the problem

I played one map for 700 hours over the span of a full year.

This game does something terrible to my brain

Besides modded factorio the only thing that comes close is gregtech new horizons

Fitting, given industrialcraft and buildcraft and probably gregtech 2 were inspirations for Factorio. In a lot of ways, Factorio helped me appreciate what old Gregtech was trying to do, but the formula stuck in factorio because it omitted the manual mining aspect. Gregtech was always a bit tedious to encourage you to automate, but it was too slow starting that portion off as it had to give a nod to the base game of minecraft. Factorio basically cuts that out except for the very first 3 minutes of a new playthrough.

I've played a number of modpacks for Minecraft and some are way too primitive (anything involving primitive tech or whatever it is), and at some point you really do have to stop manually mining (which GTNH has well, eventually reaching void miners, where the real problem is power not minerals).

Factorio is more of a throughput optimizer as it really doesn't have that much in the way of tech, and nothing really becomes outdated beyond a few early game items.

After being hesitant to try GTNH for the longest time, I finally decided to give it a go about a week ago.

I’m hooked and honestly surprised at how smooth it’s running with the Java 20 support on such an old version of Minecraft.

10/10 would recommend.

It's really amazing and the amount of effort put into quality of life mods for 1.7.10 is completely above the bar.

NEI with "regex" support? Yes please.

Mindustry is close, for me.

Mindustry is certainly fun, but it doesn’t come anywhere near the complexity levels of a large Factorio factory.

Mindustry has a certain elegance to it and also the multiplayer aspect is really cool. Griefing can cause a lot of issues though unless they solved that since I played a few years ago - a single misplaced ore will clog a line and its easy for someone to silently sabotage.

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