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Draculark: Mudlarking and vampire hunting game in APL for the Commodore SuperPET (medium.com/solarbreeze69)
108 points by 7thaccount 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 15 comments

I don’t know how to better explain to the hn algorithm than upvoting - but THIS is the exact sort of thing that should be on the front page on a Sunday. Perfection!

Ha, me too - Sunday is Retro day on hackernews.

⍴((U⍳U)=⍳⍴U)/U for counting the unique is wasteful too, as we only need the count, not the actual items, so +/(U⍳U)=⍳⍴U or (U⍳U)+.=⍳⍴U is enough.

That's awesome, and I assume a great way to learn APL. The source can be found here: https://solarbreeze.itch.io/draculark I wonder if and how the C64 Waterloo microAPL code can be easily ported to BQN or J, although I like the C64 the IDE and limited screen is not ideal.

If there's ever a language that was built for limited screen, APL would be it.

(I guess another way for the array-curious to approach these languages would be to remember what terminals were like in those times: at 110 baud, one has plenty of time to think about a sequence of glyphs as it gradually manifests on the teletype...)

There’s a fair amount of jargon here I don’t get all, but I think I get the vibe overall, and I appreciate it. This looks like a game I would have played over and over and over again at my buddy’s house when he was the only other kid I knew that had a computer besides myself

"Mudlarking" is the act of looking for historical artifacts (uncharitably: old garbage) from the river Thames when the tide goes out


Done it a couple of times - so easy to find clay pipes, Tudor floor tiles etc

This is glorious! I hope the Array Cast guys cover it

Oh man. I have SUCH good memories of my school's SP9000. It was the first machine I really got to use APL with. Thx for digging this up. Also... there were APL compilers back in the day. It wasn't exclusively interpreted.

It'd be nice if the code was available as Unicode text too.

The d80 images can be found here, I assume it contains the microAPL source. https://solarbreeze.itch.io/draculark

If screenshots are whole code we can type it out.

or OCR

Love the premise/setting of this idea.

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