You're onto something here, I feel; it's not that it seems LLM-ish, as LLMs are certainly capable of generating very high quality writing with good prompting. It's more a mixture of low-quality/effort writing and a lack of style that makes it seem like a writing factory churned it out.
Clicking on a few random paragraphs:
> A significant portion of Deno's codebase is crafted using Rust, a highly popular and secure programming language. Rust's robustness adds an extra layer of reliability to Deno's architecture. Various essential elements of Deno, such as the CLI (Command Line Interface), module graph management, runtime execution, operational functionalities, and core mechanisms, heavily utilize Rust.
> The subsequent phase in executing code involves establishing permissions. Permissions stand out as a distinctive feature within the Deno runtime system. Deno provides an exceptional and safeguarded environment for running programs. This exclusive safeguarding is achieved through the mechanism of permissions
> We have repeatedly traversed these steps multiple times within the recent preceding sections. We begin by considering the root module and initiating its loading. Following this, we load all associated dependencies. Afterward, both the root module and its dependencies are brought into existence. This phase involves the instantiation of the root module along with its dependent modules
It's -- lacking soul, is the best way I can put it. The writing feels very mechanical, with one sentence at a time, slowly trodding along, like the many high school English essays that I've read too many of. There's no variation in sentence length, no voice, no soul. It's the writing equivalent of a presentation that's just reading individual bullet points from Powerpoint.
Thanks for your info. I checked the site and apart for the obvious number of articles on one day I can say it is definitely generated content. I took a look at the "SpringBoot physical vs virtual threads vs webflux" article. The title alone says it is generated as it is weird to make this comparison. You can do a "Springboot physical vs virtual threads" using a certain technology like webflux but versus is just a weird comparison to make. Webflux can run on virtual threads and physical as well...
I find the format of a book a bit puzzling for what seems to be a mixture of technical documentation, introductory material, and educational material, all in one place. What exactly is the audience of this book? Why is it not just part of Deno docs? Why does it seems torn between multiple objectives? Surely this will just become outdated as Deno changes over time, which it will as a fairly new project.
I know Bun is still new but would love to read up something similar as well. For now, I am just diving straight into Bun source code and trying to read up.