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How many of these governmental bodies look after the best interests of their citizens?

For example:

This year when I was traveling in Quito, the capital city of Ecuador, most everyone I talked to (surprisingly) wanted big governmental changes there and would welcome a governmental collapse. The two main concerns were high theft rate of valuables and phones as well as politicians campaigning with big promises and then doing nothing but playing on their phones and getting paid for it. There was no accountability in government.

From my own perspective, Ecuador needs foreign intervention and foreign security to help to at least keep mayors and presidential candidates from getting regularly assassinated because the way it’s going there, it looks like a collapse is probable. Ecuador’s government was one case of a government body not performing in the best interests of its citizens.

Ecaudor's current government is fully supported by the current U.S. administration as they are leftists that lick Washington's boots while making all the right noises to secure support.

“Ecuador has emerged as a model in Latin America and the Caribbean for its ongoing efforts to strengthen democratic governance and human rights,” Senator Bob Menendez,

"We admire the strong voice for democracy that you have shared with the Ecuadorian people, but also for people throughout our hemisphere”, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said during his visit to Ecuador in October last year.

“You and I are united not only in our values but in our vision of the future, one that’s both free and democratic”, President Joe Biden said after meeting the Ecuadorian president in December.

'Foreign' aka U.S. intervention will only happen if Lasso pisses off Washington - like Libya's Gadaffi did. But he knows whose feet to keep massaging to stay in power. Doesn't matter how many mayors or candidates get assassinated as long as he hops to Washington D.C.

I think this apply to most leftist governments in Latin America and I believe this is a deliberate posture from Washington.

Using Brazil as a example: Lula government is doing an economic collapse and authoritarian slide speed-run while supporting Russia, China, Iran, Cuba and Venezuela. By all means Lula government don't align with US values and its actions goes against US interests. But at the end of the day it doesn't support Trump and share a similar "democratic/progressive" narrative.

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