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1. Yes, it can be used with other applications as a ZooKeeper replacement, unless some unusual ZooKeper features are used (there is no Kerberos integration in Keeper, and it does not support the TTL of persistent nodes) or the application tests for a specific ZooKeeper version.

2. It could be configure to store - snapshots; - RAFT logs other than the latest log; in S3. It cannot use a stateless Kubernetes pod - the latest log has to be located on the filesystem.

Although I see you can make a multi-region setup with multiple independent Kubernetes clusters and store logs in tmpfs (which is not 100% wrong from a theoretical standpoint), it is too risky to be practical.

3. Only the snapshots and the previous logs could be on S3, so the PUT requests are done only on log rotation.

2. ok. so can i rebuild a cluster with just state in s3? eg: i create a cluster with local disks and s3 backing. entire cluster gets deleted. if i recreate cluster and point to same s3 bucket, will it restore its state?

It depends on how the entire cluster gets deleted.

If one out of three nodes disappears, but two out of three nodes are shut down properly and written the latest snapshot to S3, it will restore correctly.

If two out of three nodes disappeared, but one out of three nodes is shut down properly and written the latest snapshot to S3, and you restore from its snapshot - it is equivalent to split-brain, and you could lose some of the transactions, that were acknowledged on the other two nodes.

If all three nodes suddenly disappear, and you restore from some previous snapshot on S3, you will lose the transactions acknowledged after the time of this snapshot - this is equivalent to restoring from a backup.

TLDR - Keeper writes the latest log on the filesystem. It does not continuously write data to S3 (it could be tempting, but if we do, it will give the latency around 100..500 ms, even in the same region, which is comparable to the latency between the most distant AWS regions), and it still requires a quorum, and the support of S3 gives no magic.

The primary motivation for such feature was to reduce the space needed on SSD/EBS disk.

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