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> My front door lock used to be a pain in the ass when I had my hands full of groceries. Or my coffee and the mail. Now my door unlocks automatically when I walk up to it. It's a small joy, but it reliably makes me smile each time. (And I don't have an ugly keypad, and still have a standard key slot if I need it).

What equipment did you use for your lock? Is it an off-the-shelf or roll-your-own setup? I'd like something like this but so far all the consumer-oriented smart locks give me very little confidence.

Do you really think someone is going to break into your home by cracking the security of your smart lock? I’m not OP but I use August smart locks and they work great, easy to install, nothing on the exterior to give it away, and it unlocks automatically when I get home. Could someone hack into the August servers and remotely unlock my door? Could the Bluetooth connection from my phone be spoofed? I’m sure it’s possible but the effort level is 1000x beyond what anyone would reasonably do to break into my home. Anyone motivated to break into my house would just break a window with a rock. The convenience is incredible. Seriously, I haven’t had to worry about my keys in years, and since it automatically locks the door after two minutes my house is safer than ever. Not having to think “did I remember to lock the door before I left?” is such a weight off my mind, and being able to unlock it remotely is an added bonus even though it rarely gets used by anyone outside of the family.

I don't think some petty criminal is going to say "Hey, that Nerdbert, he sure has expensive-looking elbows, I want to break into his house and see what else I can find there, so I'm going to spend the next two years learning how to custom-craft an exploit for his smart lock."

What I think is that there's going to be a fundamental flaw in the device's security, and before there's any update from the manufacturer, word will get out in the criminal underworld that you just need to install such-and-such app on your phone and load a data file and then you can make all locks from Company X pop open just by walking down the street.

It’s a Kwikset 914S2. It’s Zwave only so you need a hub. And the whole auto-unlock thing I rolled my own. If Home Assistant sees that my phone came home within the past 2 minutes, then it assumes whatever motion is detected is me and unlocks the door.

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