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4 ways to avoid an app

- schedule

- motion sensing

- voice

- routines / iftt (if it's a cloudy day, and zoom is open, then set brightness to x, maybe even open the shades)

> - motion sensing

> - voice

But we already solved that with "Clap on!" :D

10 years ago my young child had fairy lights hung up in her room. They were really pretty and not too bright. However she didn't really have a way to turn them on/off without unplugging them. So, I remembered the "Clap on!" device from years ago and thought it would be the perfect solution.

It turns out that they are hard to find and very expensive ($30) for what they are. Even if you can find them it's hard to tell if its an original unit or some super cheap knockoff that might burn your house down. :(

Yes, "Clap on" is a valid competitor; it's not great in a room/house with multiple lights / rooms.

Motion sensing can be solved with Passive Infrared sensing light switches, it works great for my laundry, closets, and pantry.

- light switch

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