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Ok, so what, apple can still claim you have the same protection if you use just our app store. And I have the ability to use the alternative store where I can download a game without paying apple 30%. It's great.

It won't be an alternative store, the game will get pulled from the app store.

Now, despite the fact that I bought an iOS device to avoid having to deal with shitty third parties, I'm forced to use the epic store and whatever else.

yes, zuckerberg is literally holding a gun to you head, "INSTALL META OR ELSE!"

This sort of comment is incredibly low value and doesn't contribute to the discussion.

I'm not being forced to install Facebook, but I choose to install it on my device. When this changes happens, the choice isn't going to be "install Facebook from the App Store or the Meta Store", it's going to be "install Facebook from the Meta Store". That's not a choice to the user, it's a choice for meta.

A choice for the user is choosing to buy an iPhone with the knowledge that this is a limitation, and if I don't want that limitation, I can buy an android device.

The user can choose to not install fb from another store if they care about privacy, simply as that, user decides what's in their phone

The user has that choice right now to not install it from the App Store if that's their preference.

yep, user can choose to do what they want, including installing apps from third party or viceversa - not installing an app that doesn't respect their privacy/values

You're deliberately avoiding my point and my preferences. I want to use Meta's services, play Genshin Impact, and use microsoft apps on windows. I want to manage my subscriptions via the app store. I bought an iOS device _knowing_ that was the setup.

We've seen this change with uPlay, battle.net, epic launcher on PC. Users don't get "more choice", we live with the rules the developer sets out for us. I _want_ to be on a platform where the developer sets standards for payment handling, authentication options. I don't want to have to provide my payment deatils to Genshin's app store, but I do want to pay them.

Stop telling me that I will have a choice when I have already made a choice, and _you_ want something different.

and now you're gonna have to live by the rules the law say. same as in any other circumstance.

Someone else can come and say "but i want to sideload meta and Y and Z, but still use an iphone!".

Sure, both are choices, and MAYBE mutually exclusive. I will then side with the one that is most free. In this case thankfully regulation seems to aswell

> This sort of comment is incredibly low value and doesn't contribute to the discussion.

We're 4 comments deep on a thread of people worried about Facebook being removed from the App Store. Reminding everyone that Meta is optional might be the most rational thing typed in response to this godforsaken article.

>Reminding everyone that Meta is optional

Installing Meta is optional, but somehow buying an iPhone isn't.

Buying an iPhone is optional, living in an anticompetitive digital market is not. I hope you and the European iPhone users can reconcile that.

you should be free to opt into a walled garden, but you shouldnt be forcing everyone to do so to play

That goes both ways - you shouldn't force other people to play by your rules ifyou want to play in their garden.

Don't know about elsewhere but in Sweden companies, and what's worse government funded organisations, outsource and demand the use of services by Google, Facebook etc. Otherwise you'll be treated like a second class citizen.

Epic will pull Fortnite off App Store at lightning speed.

It'll only be available on their own store where they get 100% of profits and can use any kind of predatory crap to get kids to pay for the next fancy skin.

yes and thankfully you have all the freedom to not buy it as its not in the walled garden.

Epic is not forced to put fortnite on ios as it is now, they choose to, but arent forced.

You should absolutely be free to opt into a walled garden if you want to, but do not force others to go into the garden to play

> but do not force others to go into the garden to play

I choose to live in the walled garden, and there is another option (android) for those who don't. You telling me the walls have to come down is you bringing your rules to the garden _I_ choose to be in.

clearly a great many iphone users would rather the non-walled garden, or they would just only install things that comes via it, and you have the best of both worlds?

perhaps your wish (of convenient limitations) just isnt the most popular?

I happen to largely agree that some of the walls apple puts up is for the best, but I would never presume to think I have the right to force that on others. Sure, keep their walled garden, if meta/epic/whatever does not want to play with that walled garden, well.. thats on them, and on their patrons to decide if they wish to patron

The walled garden isn't just what comes with the device, it's that plus the app store - knowing for example that any game I download will allow me to pay via apple pay, login with apple, manage my subscriptionz and cancel them in a sane way.

> thats on them, and on their patrons to decide if they wish to patron

This isn't giving the patrons a choice though, it's giving epic or meta a choice. The user has to accept whatever they do, and personally I trust apple to do that more than I do a random developer.

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