Smoke (aka fire), Humidity, and Carbon monoxide are worth monitoring and aren’t going to be fixed by a HEPA and carbon filter. Further if you’re concerned about regular air pollution it’s worth verifying how well your filtration is working.
Redundancy. Also, 40$ smoke detectors can take a while to alert you to a fire in your basement etc. So it’s often a good idea to have a whole house smoke alarm system.
Not when the house fire consumes you and the HEPA filers…
For wildfire smoke you still want monitoring as existing filters may not be enough. Temporary measures like sticking extra filters in front of fans may be necessary.
When you only want to detect smoke that’s cheap, but as you add features you do eventually get into that price range.
Ie: Smoke only costs less than Smoke + carbon monoxide. People want to monitor levels not just have an alarm which requires a screen or network connectivity. People want to know if there’s a fire in the building even if there far enough away not to hear a local alarm etc etc.
Though eventually you circle back and have a cheap smoke alarm for redundancy.