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My main complaint about BG3 is actually how far they changed it from D&D. My favorite games are owlcat’s two Pathfinder games which is a tabletop system far crunchier than the streamlined D&D 5e.

But you are missing what I said. The information is great, the unskippable animations are not.

At least on PC, you can click a couple times to avoid the animation. I tend to when the outcome is pretty likely (trying to roll above 10 with a +8 modifier for example) but the anticipation is exciting to my monkey brain if it's a tougher roll.

Not all of it, it has about a second before and after that are not skippable. All I do is spam clicks during those damn dice-rolls.

Especially bad when trying to pick a lock ten times in a row haha

Which luckily rarely happens once you get the "advantage on sleight of hand" gloves.

Yeah I misunderstood where the dread and annoyance came from, apologies!

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