And in the UK it's going to be in a blister pack not a bottle, which is a lot more work. You can't even buy more than two packs at a time, so you'd need to go from store to store.
A 16 pack of extra-strength paracetamol, which is more than enough to kill you in one sitting, is 65p at Tesco.
Do you really think someone intent on killing himself will look at a blister pack and think, "You know, if this was in a bottle I'd go through with it, but this doesn't seem worth it, it's way too much work to take me own life"?
Many people who commit (or attempt) suicide aren't really intent on killing themselves. There is ample evidence than putting even relatively minor barriers in the way, making it so that people have to slow down and really reflect on what they are doing is enough to stop some people in their tracks and make them reconsider what they are about to do.