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So far the most intuitive, killer app level UX appears to be text chat. This interaction with showing it images also looks interesting as it resembles talking with a friend about a topic but let's see if it feels like talking to a very smart person(ChatGPT is like that) or a very dumb person that somewhat recognise objects. Recognising a wrench is nowhere near as impressive as to able to talk with ChatGPT about history or make it write code that actually works.

OpenAI is killing it, right? People are coming up with interesting use cases but the main way most people interact with AI, appears to be ChatGPT.

However they still don't seem to be able to nail image generation, all the cool stuff keep happening on MidJourney and StableDiffusion.

OpenAI is also releasing DALLE-3 in "early October" and the images they chose for their demos show it demonstrating unprecedented levels of prompt understanding, including embedding full sentences of text in an output image.

Not unprecedented at all. SDXL Images look better than the examples for DALLE-3 and SDXL has a massive tool ecosystem of things like controlnet, Lora’s, regional prompting that is simply not there with DALLE-3

Lol it's definitely unprecedented. XL can't touch Dalle's comprehension of text. Control Net and LORAs aren't a substitute for that.

There are pros and cons for sure but you should check out the press release, DALLE3 is definitely capable of stuff that sd xl isn’t.

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