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> Has the physical world discovered how to replay past conversations where important decisions were made?

Yes, they're called "minutes", memos or simply taking notes in meetings.

> Has it become socially acceptable to have long silences of 5-10 minutes while people formulate thoughtful replies in a conversation?

Yes, you can always say "let me think about that for a minute"

I’ve literally never seen a meeting grind to a halt like that. Instead, meetings are full of half-baked ideas, and I sometimes notice show-stoppers hours later when it’s quiet.

Maybe not in the middle of a meeting but Amazon commonly has the first half of a meeting (I've experienced as long as 20 mins) to read a document by the host altogether silently before starting. People commonly would add comments during this time.

At google, doc reading is done before the meeting along with comments/replies, but during a design review, the host will go through each comment and then open a live discussion if needed.

Both of these formats allow for productive meetings but it does require a culture to support it and people to write down their thoughts ahead of the meeting and share it around.

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