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> It's a beautiful space with an incredible history - it's where the US built battleships for WWI and WWII.

Pretty sure this plays fast and loose with the history of American naval warfare. The only battleship built in San Francisco, that I can think of, is the 19th-century relic USS Ohio.

That seems to list a bunch of destroyers and other vessels, but not "battleships".

Probably the tweeter was just using that term colloquially, like "ship of war", rather than as a classification of size and function.

Ah, you all are correct. Thanks for the correction, will use the correct term going forward.

I think you're just surrounded by pedants ;) I think the modern, politically correct term is just "pewpewboat™"

I don’t think, strictly speaking, that the US built any battleships _for_ WW2. It built a few _during_ WW2, but they’d have been ordered before the US joined the war. The last battleship ever built anywhere in the world was commissioned in 1946; WW2 was very much the moment that people realised “wait, these aren’t actually very useful anymore”.

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