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1. Lost and found stations at events. People find stuff, people nearby don't claim it and often don't care if it's taken, but the finder still makes the effort to give it to lost and found or staff. Everytime I've done this, there've been a lot of unclaimed items. Each of those is evidence of, if not altruism, at least morality.

2. The vast majority of people don't shoplift, even at stores that put goods out front with no employees watching.

3. Charities, soup kitchens, anonymous donors.

We should be careful to not mistake cynicism as wisdom.

Nobody's better than a cynic at mistaking cynicism for wisdom.

Counter-counterpoint(?): the difference between high trust society and a low trust society is not the number of 'bad' people, but the number of apathetic people when they witness the actions of the bad actors and do nothing.

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