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I wonder if you have enough self-awareness to notice why your behavior here might be considered bizarre. No, people who point out that your government routinely and brazenly backdoors equipment and software everyone uses (or rather, has forced upon them to use), while Chinese actions of this sort are evidenced to a lesser extent, and so the onus in justifying the use of that country's products is on the US at least as much as on China, are mostly not "wumao", nor whataboutists, nor anything of the sort. They're making an entirely sound argument an unbiased person would make given the context, you're just using those mind-killing political notions to dismiss a topic that offends your patriotic sensibilities.

Wumaos are low-paid grunts and sincere idiots who disingenuously downvote, report and post irrelevant nonsense regarding racist imperialist AmeriKKKa or legitimate Chinese clay/territorial waters/6000 years of peaceful history. This is very easy to see. You're free to suspect any interlocutor as being one, of course, but if that's your only retort, you'd do better not stooping to the level of an undeniable propagandist and instead conceding the object-level issue – or keeping silent.

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