> And it [Communication Safety] extends beyond Messages to include content sent and received in AirDrop, ..., and third‑party apps.
This distorted Apple's vision of privacy is not news to me, but extending their invasive policy to third-party apps is crossing the line.
However, I'm not sure whether this means that they are going to forcefully intercept all content from 3rd party apps, or introduce an API to app developers that will allow them to flag content as sensitive. If anybody knows more about this, please let us all know.
It’s not news to you, you make harsh statements, but reading the actual description of the feature was too much.
And wow, describing Apple’s vision on privacy as distorted is really something.
Is Meta your reference on privacy matters?
I know on a personal level the executives and experts of the entire privacy division. There might be some very US-centric agenda items in what they do (the CSAM detection fiasco which cost them a dent in their reputation) but generally speaking I’ve rarely seen a team more motivated and driven than that one.
> The Sensitive Content Analysis framework enables third-party developers to integrate Communication Safety in their apps. The framework allows developers to detect if content that children receive or attempt to send in their apps may contain nudity, and developers can add protections in their apps when sensitive content is detected.
Thanks. This feature is described as optional for 3rd party apps and a claim is made that the information is not sent off the device. Assuming this is true, I take back my criticism about the policy being invasive.
> And it [Communication Safety] extends beyond Messages to include content sent and received in AirDrop, ..., and third‑party apps.
This distorted Apple's vision of privacy is not news to me, but extending their invasive policy to third-party apps is crossing the line. However, I'm not sure whether this means that they are going to forcefully intercept all content from 3rd party apps, or introduce an API to app developers that will allow them to flag content as sensitive. If anybody knows more about this, please let us all know.