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I used to have my own local root CA as well but now trying the Let's Encrypt with DNS-01. What is the easiest combination of software to try it? I have failed miserably trying Opnsense + ACME client plugin + Cloudflare DNS + HAProxy / NGinx. I would get 100% ssllabs certs but somehow the reverse proxy won't forward to internal services. Next I am gonna go caddyserver for reverse proxy as it has SSL with LE inbuilt. Let's see.

I found LE + CF DNS trouble-free.


``` FROM certbot/certbot RUN pip3 install certbot-dns-cloudflare cloudflare ```


``` volumes: - ${CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY:-.}/cloudflare.ini:/cloudflare.ini - ${STATE_DIRECTORY:-./certbot}/:/etc/letsencrypt/ - ${LOGS_DIRECTORY:-/var/log/certbot}/:/var/log/letsencrypt/ command: " \ certonly \ --non-interactive \ --agree-tos \ --email postmaster@foo.bar \ --preferred-challenges dns-01 \ --dns-cloudflare \ --dns-cloudflare-credentials /cloudflare.ini \ --dns-cloudflare-propagation-seconds 30 \ -d foo.bar,*.foo.bar" ```

A friend of mine runs dns01 thusly: https://ipng.ch/s/articles/2023/03/24/lego-dns01.html

I've had a lot of success with https://github.com/dehydrated-io/dehydrated . It exposes the different parts of the process (deploy challenge to DNS, deploy cert to filesystem, etc) as hooks, so it's pretty easy to integrate with anything and however you want, if you don't mind writing a bit of bash. There's a few scripts out there that use Cloudflare that you can use as well.

This ACME client looks promising, but I haven’t tried it yet: https://github.com/go-acme/lego

do you use https/have a cert in your webserver as well, or just on the proxy?

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