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Anyone else just learning about Université de Toulouse III? Did the first one sink into the swamp, followed by the second one burning down, falling over, then sinking into the swamp?

Ha! No, that's just the local naming since Toulouse has several of them, they have proper names in addition to the numbering. Toulouse I Capitole is (mostly) law and economics, Toulouse II Jean Jaurès is (mostly) social sciences/humanities/linguistics and Toulouse III Paul Sabatier is (mostly) STEM.

My alma mater is technically Université de Toulouse, the federating entity that formally gives the diploma, but the existence of such entities depends on the city, each university has its own head and administration. My grad school lab was attached to Toulouse III.

There are in fact 3 universities in Toulouse: Toulouse I-Capitole, Toulouse Jean Jaurès (used to be Toulouse II-Le Mirail), and Toulouse III-Paul Sabatier. And since it would be absurd to have just those three universities they are part of a group called "Université de Toulouse" (formerly Université fédérale de Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées) which also counts a number of schools https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_University_of_Toulouse....

As a French I like your description better.

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