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To play devil's advocate - what's the issue with this?

Is print_table() + print_table_without_emoji() better than print_table(remove_emoji= False)?

The issue is that this approach is almost guaranteed to produce basically untestable code with a myriad of invalid/nonsensical/completely broken input combinations, and its impossible to refactor, too, because you don't even know which parts of the parameter space are actually ever needed, or even how they are supposed to interact.

Whenever function semantics need to change, everything degrades further because of refactoring uncertainties (=> you end up with even more parameters).

This will also be extremely resistant to optimization because even finding the "happy path" is non-trivial.

Honestly? Both reek of SRP violation. Why should print_table specifically care about emoji?

if needed remove the emoji, then print. if performance/table size is an issue, working via streams/generators/etc. should be on the (heh) table anyway.

But if you have conceded to being in quick&dir^H^Hpragmatic-land anyway, IMO both can be ok depending on the context.

As a fresh dev, I’d like to know the answer to this as well. Abstract to function w multiple params, abstract to multiple functions, no abstraction and keep as switch statement.

`print_table() + print_table_without_emoji()`


`print_table(remove_emoji= False)`


`switch table_name: case emoji: print(table) case no_emoji: print(table no emoji)`

If callers typically know statically whether they want emoji or not (in other words, if the parameter would typically be a literal true or false at the call site), then the parameterless version is better. (Note that you can still factor out common code from the two functions into a separate private function if you like. So the parameterless version doesn’t necessarily imply code duplication.) If, on the other hand, callers tend to be parameterized themselves on whether to use emojis or not, then the parameterized version is better, because it avoids having to make a case distinction at the call site.

It depends on the implementation, but in general you prefer the parameterless version because in theory a bug that shows up in print_table has less code it could be in (less surface area to debug).

Without understanding the implementation no one can truly say which is the better approach, but this idea of "surface area for bugs" is something that should be considered when approaching these types of decisions.

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