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>”but then devs would be tempted to reuse them”

Isn’t that the fucking point? Having a 2000 line function is a code smell so bad, I don’t care how well the function works. It’s an automatic review fail in my book. Abstractions, closures, scope, and most importantly - docs to make sure others use your functions the way you intended them. Jesus.

Some devs did find it a code smell... But each scope had a clear short high level comment describing what it did, there were end to end tests for the method, and very little state flowed from scope to scope (some did) - because that's what scoprs do... Prevent variables from leaking.

My point is the code smell isn't always accurate, and there are times and even for 2000 line monsters other devs agreed that it was the best way to hide complexity away from the rest of the codebase in that case. If we ever needed to factor things out (we never did), we could spend some effort and do it.

Have you tried reading code instead of smelling it?

A code smell means you should look into it, not that it's wrong.

Some things are genuinely 2kloc-complex. Maybe not that many. Do check! But some are.

Definitely not that many. Even for me this was an outlier, but it made me more comfortable with functions most people would consider long.

I'd like to clarify this was not necessarily 2kloc-complex, this was just 2kloc-long-and-not-really-meant-to-be-reused. It was a fairly long but linear process that was out of the ordinary for the rest of the codebase. It could easily have been split (hell, I had 9 fairly separate stages), but calling any of the intermediate stages out of order or without the context of the rest of the execution flow... would have been a foot gun for someone else. And, as time showed, we never needed those stages for anything else.

Agreed. I’ve written plenty of software of all kinds and have never had to write a 2000 line long methods (although I have had the joy of refactoring such messeses a time or two).

Just don’t do that. Your code doesn’t have to have abstractions out the wazzo, but if your class (or method) is getting bigger than 1000 lines that’s a great sign that it’s doing too much and abstractions can be teased out. Your future self will thank you, as well as your team.

I like this from Sandi Metz:

> You can't create the right abstraction until you fully understand the code, but the existence of the wrong abstraction may prevent you from ever doing so. This suggests that you should not reach for abstractions, but instead, you should resist them until they absolutely insist upon being created.

At least in the mobile world, I find that this “no abstraction” approach is the default one, and it usually leads to huge objects which do everything from drawing views to making network requests to interacting with the file system. These kinds of classes are quite hard to work in, hard to test, and also keep snowballing to get bigger and bigger. Things usually end with unmaintainable code and a full rewrite.

I am not saying you need to create complex abstract hiarchies right off the bat. But usually, it’s pretty easy to tease out a couple significant abstractions that are very obvious, and break down your classes by a factor of two or three. Just getting such low hanging fruit will prevent you from ever having a 2000 line long method.

And for the folks who are saying that they make sure to not add abstractions too early - are you disciplined enough to go back and add them later? I feel like if you’re the kind of engineer that busts out 2000 line methods, you’re also not going to refactor it as this method grows to 2500 or 3000 lines or beyond.

Probably most robust software you depend on is full of solid, quality abstractions. Learning to write code like this takes practice. The wrong abstraction might be wrong, but it’s one step closer on your journey to growing as an engineer. You won’t grow if you never try.

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