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‘Equity-Based Weeding Process’ Clears Ontario Public School Bookshelves (nationalreview.com)
3 points by hardmaru on Sept 14, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Title misleading. Journo's headline itself misleads from the contents, and it remains to be seen when things are returned, but the intent to do so is stated.

CBC reports books removed will be destroyed: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/peel-school-board-lib...

"Step two of curation is an anti-racist and inclusive audit, where quality is defined by "resources that promote anti-racism, cultural responsiveness and inclusivity." And step three is a representation audit of how books and other resources reflect student diversity.

When it comes to disposing of the books that are weeded, the board documents say the resources are "causing harm," either as a health hazard because of the condition of the book or because "they are not inclusive, culturally responsive, relevant or accurate."

For those reasons, the documents say the books cannot be donated, as "they are not suitable for any learners."

A PDSB spokesperson said the board supports its schools "in the disposal of books in a responsible manner by following Peel Region's recycling guidelines." Peel Region allows for the recycling of book paper, as long as hard covers and any other plastics are removed first and put in the garbage."

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