In the last months I did some research to replace my good old iPod Nano 7 with a small hackable low power device (non android). It was an interesting journey and on the way I found very interesting things, e.g. the Funkey S[1] - a ridiculously small device made for portable gaming.
What may look pretty boring at first gets more interesting as soon as you check out the docs[2] - it is:
Open Hardware[3] - all parts are listed and decisions explained
Open Firmware[4] - buildroot based hackable linux firmware
Well documented[2] - lots of detailed information about the process
I thought with some modifications (touchscreen, audio jack) it might be possible to create a small, affordable and hackable replacement of my iPod nano (see my github issue[5]).
So I would like to Ask HN:
- What would you think of a retro portable audio player mod?
- What other interesting projects could you think of for this?