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On this topic -- add your common locations (home, work, trader joes) as contacts in your iOS address book. Then when you need directions, just click on the address book icon in Maps under Search, and select the location, and you're good to go.

I was an iOS user for several years before figuring this out -- it's saved me a lot of time. I probably typed in my home address a hundred times unnecessarily. Although, since I'm going to try out this app, this tip maybe isn't so useful. :)

Why is that any better than using the bookmarks feature?

it's easier than that: you can just start typing a name, and the maps app will auto-complete from your address book or from the maps app's saved bookmarks.

pheelicks' app is a good idea, but it really does need Contacts integration. There's no way I'm going to type in a bunch of addresses I already have on iCloud (that got there through manual entry).

Or even better, just ask Siri for directions. It understands "work" or "home" if you've added them to yourself in the Address Book.

Yeah, I don't see the benefit. If you default "from" to Current Location, the maps interaction is three taps (edit, bookmarks, choose). While this app would be one swipe, there's the added decision of which app to use when wanting directions, and I think that probably takes up more brain space than the extra tap.

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