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I'd also generalize this and say that you can't trust anyone that can't be too critical and honest with you with anything. I know people don't like to hurt other people's feelings, but nothing is less helpful than telling someone "Hopefully, so and so will happen", or "Just be optimistic and hope for the best". If I'm screwed, tell me I'm screwed and possible actions I can take.

Maybe I'm the exception, or maybe this is a cultural thing (I live near Berlin), but ...

I'm in the lucky position to have friends (and lots of family members) who are bluntly honest to me.

Might be a cultural thing. I was raised in this country by people who lived for some time where you are (as well as other areas overseas). They rarely dole out compliments and are quick to give criticism. When you are raised that way it becomes the norm and has definitely been a benefit in my opinion.

Edit: By "lived" I mean were born elsewhere overseas but ended up living for some time in Germany before moving to this country.

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