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Bootstrap for Everyone (minimaxir.com)
13 points by coderdude on March 24, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Twitter bootstrap is awesome. I wish I could justify redoing my site using it but right now too much else going on. If you are developing Facebook apps, also check out f-bootstrap. It's based on Twitter bootstrap, but the styles and colors are more similar to Facebook's: https://github.com/ckrack/fbootstrapp

I am rewriting my site with its css now. Actually, i can build everything with js and css, but i cant make good looking things. TB for me is the way to prettify my ugly markup. It is very friendly. I have to revise tons of javascript written without any mvc, but TB is built on classes. So, for the most parts i have to just install ids in tags required to drive my code.

Best Thing About Using Bootstrap is, One doesn't have to worry about cross-browser issues. :) That Makes Awesome Themes Like CandyClouds Possible... here... Take a Look. http://wrapbootstrap.com/theme/candy-clouds-WB00781A8

and help me by making it more awesome., by buying it :)

Bootstrap is the new Photoshop Lens Flare.

It's not, but I understand what you're trying to convey. It's spreading like a wild fire and everyone is starting to use it -- but the default look has become very stale and played out (much like the lens flare). There's a lot being done to give users alternate styles, from free color styles and editors to premium themes.

I was going to put in a section about the staleness of the default layout used by many, many startups (I've certainly made many jokes about it), but I felt that would be out of scope. It is certainly a bad tactic from a branding perspective (it's not unique), but that's a thing that can be iterated upon.

As Bootstrap becomes more popular, theme developers will flock to it (like Wordpress and Tumblr before it).

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