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Apple is not an advertising company.

They have also made other similar moves to the same effect.

Not to call you out, but what other moves are you thinking of (legitimately curious)?

Apple almost always puts respect for the end user (the paying customer) as one of its highest priorities. Off the top of my head, some examples would be: not forcing users to enter license keys for software, dropping DRM from iTunes, blocking third-party cookies by default, and their refusal to allow the carriers to pollute the iPhone with their preloaded software.

Now I just wish they would make it easy for me to set DuckDuckGo as my default search engine in Safari.

Well, off the top of my head:

1) The "third party cookies block" championed by Safari for one.

2) Refusing to let the publishers get user info without the user opting in first (there was big hoopla about that from the publisher's end):


And just today this came in:

"As part of a more stringent ruleset regarding customer privacy, Apple has reportedly started rejecting apps which access UDIDs in a practice that will become de rigueur for all review teams".

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