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The Day Elon Musk Decided to Rip Servers Out of a Sacramento Data Center (techdirt.com)
19 points by mikro2nd 9 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

>> “You’ll have to hire a contractor to lift the floor panels,” Alex said. “They need to be lifted with suction cups.”

Oh my, the richest man in the world failed to contemplate the complexities of Data Center raised-flooring!

There are a number of elements in this write-up that just seem off -- probably for dramatic effect.

I do believe most of it. At least in the current dev environment we are "trained" to give long estimates that are often too long or too short

I have had the experience of giving a long estimate and having a junior doing it in a third of the time

Because we prioritize the "correct" way, or forget some harmless shortcuts, or we just take advantage of it to avoid pressure and burnout

When failing to realize the steaks, or not been properly explained

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