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This. The deep dive is fascinating, but really feels like a distraction from a product management failure. Microsoft has been 3 decades in the OS business. Surely someone must have noticed that package management should be a core OS feature.

Please don't inflict more Microsoft package managers on us. All that needs fixing is there should be a supported way to delete "in-use" files just like you always could on Linux. People may make theoretical arguments about the virtues of locking files but the Linux behavior is so clearly the right thing in practice. Over the years I've encountered approximately zero problems with that behavior on Linux and dozens of problems with the Windows behavior, both as a user and as a developer.

I'm sure it would be hard to add such a thing to Windows while minimizing compatibility problems but I'm equally sure that it's possible and that it's worth the effort.

At this point the Windows package manager omnimisery has metastasized and now idiot developers are insisting on writing their own installers even for platforms where it's totally un-necessary (harmful in fact!)

Since Windows 2000, however Microsoft isn't Apple, in being a dictator regarding OS API adoption.

Oh, they have, many times! That’s why we have msi, app-v, appx etc.

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