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Taskfile looks worse than make to me in every possible dimension (except maybe windows compatibility, but I don't believe that it meaningfully supports that).

You should at least read and understand the paper "Recursive Make Considered Harmful" before attempting to replace make with something "better":


Most people use make incorrectly (and it sounds like the system you describe makes most of the classic mistakes). The paper I linked explains how to use Make's templating language to help it scale to complicated setups.

Here are a few critiques of taskfile (from skimming their documentation):

- The syntax is incredibly verbose and weird. For instance, you have to write a tree of yaml nodes to loop over a set of files. Make's syntax is weird, but at least it is not verbose.

- The documentation makes no mention that I could find of deriving a set of tasks from a list of files (Make's $(wildcard) macro, or stemming rules like "%.o : %.c"). So, I guess the taskfile will end up being huge (like the size of autogenerated makefiles from autoconf or cmake), or you'll end up using additional ad-hoc build systems that are invoked by your taskfile.

- From the documentation, they haven't thought through having more than one project per unix account "When running your global Taskfile with -g, tasks will run on $HOME by default, and not on your working directory!"

- They seem to have partially reimplemented the bad ideas from recursive make: https://taskfile.dev/usage/#including-other-taskfiles

- I suggest taking an idiomatic but non-trivial bash script (which is 99% of what make is invoking, and that taskfiles support), and then trying to port it to python directly. There's usually a 10-100x line of code blowup from doing that, and the python thing usually bitrots every year or so (vs. every few decades for shell).

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