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Tacocopter: The Coolest Airborne Taco Delivery System That’s Completely Fake (wired.com)
21 points by whiletrue on March 24, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

I'm disappointed in Wired for repeating the nonsense that Star was arrested for a "hoax explosive device". She had a shirt with blinking lights on it.

EDIT: On second read, Wired's statement is technically true; that's the justification the police gave for arresting her. But as written, it implies that Star intended such a hoax.

Assuming the author of this article only has the previous Boston Globe article to go on that is what appears to be the case. I looked around and the response from Star seems to conflict a lot with the article, so either the police lied (seems most likely) or she did, either way I don't think you can criticise the author of this article for what they said or their tone as the Boston Globe presents it in exactly the same way.

Interview here: http://boingboing.net/2008/09/22/star-simpson-one-yea.html

It's Wired. They purport to be a magazine that knows something about technology and the people that make it. The quality of the mag has gone up and down over the years, but I think it's fair to say they shouldn't be relying on Boston.com to do the legwork on a story like this.

And even so, reporting the claims of the police without qualification is something even a rookie reporter isn't supposed to do. The fact that the judge gave her a path to dismiss the charges, after sentencing her to a trivial amount of community service, is also pretty relevant. If you mention one fact the other ought to follow.

When I saw the Tacocopter post yesterday I had a little chuckle ... and then was completely floored by people arguing about it and going off into side-rants about the FAA getting in the way of progress.

When you read this headline it should sound like a tautology.

Seemed fake but I really wanted to get some Tacocopter... So I guess with this and Kid Icarus Wing Man we are starting April Fools as early at March 20th now?

Wow--we can't be serious with this people. I fly these things--not very well--but I build and fly these things. We are so far from this tech being able to deliver anything autonomously it's not even funny.

I think this is a joke--if it's not, the founders are jokes because they have no idea what they are talking about and clearly no idea where this technology actually stands. Spend some time on rcgroups.com, fpvlab.com and the other multirotor forums and you'll realize just how serious those people are how quickly "Tacocopter" would get laughed out of the room.

You are attacking a straw man. You may want to read the article.

Or the title.

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