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I use some of those via F-Droid, but I've stopped installing updates because the nagging to "upgrade" to a "monetized" version is getting worse.[1] I'm worried that they will start breaking the free versions, and thus can no longer trust their updates.

[1] https://www.simplemobiletools.com/blog/our-best-apps-are-now...

It sounds as if you're actually using the apps installed from the playstore. If they're from F-Droid you shouldn't get any nagging or ads.

I use gallery, contacts, and file manager from F-Droid, up to date, and no ads or nags at all, ever.

I use the same group of apps plus the calendar. What do you use for that? I'm finding it great with a couple of niggles. Not opposed to jumping, even there's some friction.

I also use the Simple Calendar, but shamefully also use Google Calendar due to my grandfathered custom-domain email hosted by Gmail.

Simple Calendar works with it for individual calendars, but the Google one does shared calendars with less friction.

I use Simple Calendar (I've never had any issues with it) but the other one I've heard a lot of people using is Etar.

> I use some of those via F-Droid, but I've stopped installing updates because the nagging to "upgrade" to a "monetized" version is getting worse.[1]

Huh? The versions in F-Droid are the monetized versions. They don't include any nagging. I've been using them for years.

I have installed them from F-droid with nagging and the thank you installed.

Are you using a different F-droid source than everybody else?

Say I'd like to see some nagging from Simple Notes Pro. What do I need to do? (And why, conceptually, does Simple Notes Pro, already the paid version, include nagging in the first place?)

I have installed the apk directly right now from an old old source. I am going to try the f-droid version again soon and see how it goes.

If you're so inclined, the unlock is also pushed to F-Droid under Simple Thank You app. It's by the same Dev.

So it's not "apps without ads," but rather "apps without third-party ads."

I have updated mine from F-Droid and they have removed features that I use. I do not trust the updates and won't update to the newer versions.


Your false dichotomy is disingenuous, a distraction/derailment to the discourse, and does not engage in addressing the issue of a person wanting to pay the developer yet having no privacy-respecting way to do so. Please revisit site guidelines on "snark".

The marginal cost of producing additional copies of free software is zero.

Keeping them updated isn't free

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