Not if you want to avoid condescending "I cannot look at the Python code my eyes hurt" comments. Good to know the Julia community hasn't made any progress in that regard, though.
Seems like we are speaking from different experiences. As someone who witnessed multiple requests like “please avoid hyperbole when it comes to criticizing other languages” in Slack, Discourse or Twitter, I interpret “I know I shouldn’t say so” differently.
I would say 1 in 32 is also about the experience. I stopped visiting Discourse, chatting in Slack because I found it exhausting that every time Python is mentioned someone came up with a different way of saying how much they hate Python. I know I wasn’t the only one disturbed by this but in the end communities make their own choices.
Someone feeling the need to bash other languages is universal. For example, every Julia post here has people bashing it, in a way that is often tangential to the topic of the post. I'm actually surprised this thread doesn't have someone complaining about 1-based indexing in Julia.
Only if it's the Correct opinion. Try being a julia user but thinking julia kinda sucks. That's a much more hostile experience than being a c++ dev and thinking c++ kinda sucks.
It's really all down to your tone and attitude. If you're hostile, demanding and negative, you will indeed get pushback, but that's human nature.
Some people feel that they should get to act like a prick, while everyone else should be humble and courteous.
If you act like a decent person person, there's no problem pointing out weak points in Julia and request help to work around it. If your only input is "Julia kinda sucks", what kind of feedback do you feel that you are owed?
There was a recent post in Julia's Discourse about why people think the language has not caught on as much as it should. There were around 550 comments where half of them talked about why Julia sucks and what to do about it, there are spin-offs of the post continuing discussion. Let's just cut the bull shit, these are all tools, if one doesn't fit you just use the other.