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Is there going to be anyone accountable over this? Ryan doesn’t say and most likely the HR/recruiting under his reporting chain will stay unharmed. It’s amazing how absolutely dry these apologies come out. Everytime a layoff notice comes in there is this usual script. I am yet to see anyone taking meaningful responsibility over it such as CEO paycut or bonus withdrawals.

Um, well there was the CEO that just got fired

Ryan literally just made the previous CEO leave?

I think “take responsibility for fucking up the lives of a whole bunch of people, because he didn’t agree with the hiring strategy of the CEO he dumped” is the angle here.

That fine specimen of humanity goes on to say, in the same breath “we are fine, we have money” so clearly they were not pushing bankruptcy, and would have been in a position to help out those they screwed over so brutally.

I’m making it my mission to figure out the combined business interests of their board and c-suite, and make sure that I’ll not use those products if at all possible.

Question was holding people accountable.

Like firing someone

Why would a CEO take a pay cut, his job, approved by the owners, is literally to unload the burden and fire the fat. He would have to lose money if he didnt... a CEO responsibility is first to owners, second to client, third to employees who are resources, like the machines they bought and are compensated monthly for their time.

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