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> Aaron Swartz, Steve Huffman, and Alexis Ohanian, months after they launched reddit

Aaron didn't launch reddit. He wasn't even involved until six months in.

Oh, I didn't realize it was that late.

Swartz, Huffman, and Ohanian are the only YC participants they interview, and they show them all working side-by-side, so I assumed they were all working on Reddit, but I just checked how they introduce Swartz and his title card doesn't say Reddit whereas Huffman and Ohanian's do.

I've corrected the post.

Wasn't he involved sooner than a year after? I thought it launched in Summer 2005, and then Swartz joined the same year.

>Over at reddit.com, we rewrote the site from Lisp to Python in the past week.

Aaron Swartz's blog post, "Rewriting Reddit," published 2005-12-06


And then this profile of Swartz said he joined in November 2005:

>Ohanian and Huffman bought in, and by November 2005, Infogami and Reddit had merged, forming a new umbrella company called Not A Bug.


Yes you're right, he joined them six months in. I'll fix my comment.

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