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No, not really. Compared to just about any game I’ve played it rarely gets stuck, and when you are up decisively it usually ends quickly.

Also most everyone plays time controls that completely avoid this.

Feels like people are reaching for reasons to dislike it here. It’s the most balanced and fun game I’ve found, and these issues ring totally hollow I think to anyone who plays it regularly.

There are some other issues you could point out, but they mostly exist entirely in classical time controls, or perhaps if you enjoy a less rigid and punishing game.

> ring totally hollow I think to anyone who plays it regularly

Obviously for a hobbyist player the experience is very different from people learning the ropes. Think the "kid playing against his dad at the cottage" experience. The kind of people who don't know any named openings other than the scholar's mate. The kind of players that don't know their own ELO.

This is the onboarding experience.

Idk I picked it up for the first time basically just 6 months ago and had a blast from the start. I'd say 99% of people play rapid or faster time controls and never get into slogs, it's one of the least sloggy games I've played. Catan for example is like 10x more prone to annoying endgames.

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