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They play shogi, go, and riichi mahjong

Is riichi mahjong even that popular?


According to [1], in Japan, 4.5M people play Mahjong (in Japan you can assume Mahjong means Riichi Mahjong), 5M people play Shogi, and only 1.5M play Go.

Interestingly 21M (!) people play family games, which means party video games, e.g. Mario Kart.

[1]: https://note.com/hasimo1000year/n/n06989a252aa2, it's a random Mahjong player's blog, but it quotes the data allegedly from [2]

[2]: https://www.jpc-net.jp/research/list/leisure.html

I don't know for riichi mahjong, but "mahjong" is pretty popular, yes. But the betting aspect puts it probably closer to poker than chess or other games where money is rarely involved.

"mahjong" is riichi mahjong in Japan

At least in my circles it is common that people play or have played, especially males. I myself play on average two tables or so per day online. Although I certainly should force myself to read up a bit more on strategy.

Daina Chiba's Riichi Book I is an excellent free resource for intermediate players.

riichi is tnot the oritinal name, the japs use doupble (ii) in words to make them sound more western or latin

Not exactly. "riichi" comes from Mandarin, which might be related to "reach"[1] (can someone confirm?). It is an original word, although maybe a loan word, an the pronunciation might just have been kept faithful to the original because for all three languages (English, Chinese, Japanese) the length of vowels are sometimes meaningful (unlike e.g. in French).

[1] https://zh.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E7%AB%8B%E7%9B%B4

Just in case you don't know this, I'm fairly sure that "japs" is considered an offensive term.

> "japs" is considered an offensive term

By whom?

the more culturally aware term is 'nips'

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