I camped in -42C or so (every degree matters at those temps) once and slept in a quinzee which is basically a snow fort build from digging out compacted snow. The temp outside at night was -42 and the temp in the quinzee was about -20. Coldest night of my life.
Nice! I just simply cannot bring myself to do it... Not even in winter in our garden! Coldest night I ever passed, with the kids nonetheless, in a tent was just so slightly above freezing.
You do get to nice places so if temperature is no issue for you!
It usually feels much colder near freezing because of the humidity.
Once it's past about -30 it's extremely dry, and it feels much less cold. I'm much happier at -20 to -40 than just above or below freezing. Also snow just wipes off and you don't get wet.
The coldest day of my life was snowboarding in Juneau, AK. It was only -30C or so, but it was really, really humid. I was wearing everything I wear when it's -45, and I was freezing all day. I mean I couldn't feel my feet, hands, face and then had to constantly do pushups and jumping jacks to try and stay mobile.