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Neat. You can then let TinyURL host your web site:


Congratulations, you've turned tinyurl into a free web hosting service.

I love the way the smoke seems to be coming off the top of it.

Just a second. I'm late for golf!

If it gets out of hand, make sure you know the new number for the security services:

0118999881999119725 ...3

And yes, I have that memorised!

Of course! Made in Britain

I made a QR code from this link. It really isn't anything crazy. Isn't that cool, we can host websites from QR codes!

Hosting a website without a computer is quite cool if you ask me

Wow, this is just crazy cool. I can imagine this growing into a thing.

I was fully expecting to see Rick Astley!

and now my Thinkpad is rethinking it's lack of resources.

I love this!

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