I'm sorry, are you telling me there will be more work needed for achieving the same thing that could have been achieved using plain HTML, CSS and JS?
Are you telling me I will need to print more invoices and sell more training?
Don't threaten me with a good time. I'll fork a wasm lib make a few changes rename it and put it on my CV. That's how the webdev world has been working for over a decade now. Oh I'l also misuse some design patterns and other plausible sounding "engineering" practices to make it look cool.
> Are you telling me I will need to print more invoices and sell more training?
Push the boundary too hard (as an industry) and I'm pretty sure we'll go back to the dark ages of desktop apps. I miss Delphi so much sometimes!
> I'm sorry, are you telling me there will be more work needed for achieving the same thing that could have been achieved using plain HTML, CSS and JS?
I also never understood why junior Web Devs prefer to write a ton of React code, when there are obscure frameworks that have a Qt-like API. Consider this Qooxdoo[0] code:
var win = new qx.ui.window.Window("First Window");
this.getRoot().add(win, {left:20, top:20});
Painfully constructing UIs one line at a time is, well, painful. The whole DOM API is like that, and people have been trying to get away from it since at least jQuery.
The issue is when this kind of code builds up and no one other than people who consume copious amounts of various numbing drugs can maintain or read it. Not sustainable.
The code that needs a single imperative line for every single thing builds up into incomprehensible mess much quicker, and is quickly abstracted away into function calls not dissimilar to jQuery or even React.
I wanted to build a basic local tool for managing a bunch of linux fine tuning parameters and a little screen where i can see the status of various things. I am lazy and didnt to do more than just click buttons (not even press the arrow key on a console to run a history command).
After considering electron for a split second, even with no framework, I legit went for Gambas.
I drew my UI, added event handlers, compiled it and that was the end of it. Easier than faffing around with the bloat of react, vue, node or electron.
Are you telling me I will need to print more invoices and sell more training?
Don't threaten me with a good time. I'll fork a wasm lib make a few changes rename it and put it on my CV. That's how the webdev world has been working for over a decade now. Oh I'l also misuse some design patterns and other plausible sounding "engineering" practices to make it look cool.