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So, tech workers paid >200k couldn't anticipate that hot places are going to get a lot hotter due to global warming and all the trends we've been observing over the last decade or so? Interesting.

To repeat the comment you are replying to:

Knowing something and experiencing it are two different things.

Everyone moving there knows it gets hot. But if you've never experienced 100F heat - especially not days in a row - you have little to compare it to. Theoretical knowledge compared to applied knowledge. Heck, even if you have experienced it, you probably did it in completely different conditions. For example, the Midwest gets hot sometimes, but that heat is different and lasts shorter times than it tends to in Austin. (Which is also the reason folks moving from Arizona to Indiana get shocked at the heat + humidity combination or why 80F near the arctic feels warmer than it does in some other places)

what does the >200k but in your rhetorical question serve, as a purpose?

This is rhetorical ofc because I have interpreted to be a baseless attack on the tech laborforce because of their above mean income.

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