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I still have some 5 1/4" floppies and I wanted to read them (if still possible at all). I still have an old drive, even an HD 1.2MB one.

However, it's literally impossible to find USB to 5 1/4" floppy interfaces now in Europe. I only found one outfit in the US that sells them, but they refused to ship to europe :(

If anyone has any tips I'd appreciate it because I'm pretty lost now.. I have much old hardware but nothing that can drive a 5 1/4" floppy drive. It's mostly unixy stuff like HP9000's and Macs.

If you get yourself a greaseweazle (or have an stm32 blue pill laying around) it will allow you to create a disk image of the disks over usb


Thanks!! I just ordered one, turned out there was even a seller in my country. And it's not too expensive.

If you’re willing to buy/be given/dumpster dive some e-waste, there are endless old-but-not-vintage PC motherboards that can be had for minimal money (like, $10-20 with CPU and RAM) that will still accept a 5.25” floppy drive and will still run a modern Windows or Linux for ease of transfer. Think Core 2 era. I have a HP Z400 workstation from ~2010 that will take a floppy drive. Beware though because some machines will be BIOS/chipset limited to only accept 3.5” 1.4MB drives. I think my HP is one of those.

EDIT: actually, no, I just looked it up — the Z400 will take a 1.2MB 5.25” drive. It will not take DD drives of any kind.

If you have the drive, you can probably bit-bang the interface pins with a Raspberry Pi or the like. There might already be something in a dusty corner of GitHub for this, or it would be a fun little project for anyone with hobbyist-level EE skills.

[edit] This might be your ticket: https://github.com/keirf/greaseweazle/wiki (Someone just posted this in another comment)

Thanks! I just ordered one!

Use a mail forwarder to ship it?

Not shipping outside the US is routine so there's many services out there catering to that.

I've had very bad experiences with those. Most vendors don't want to send to those either and then cancel orders that were already paid, and it was a hassle to get my money back.

But I'll use this greaseweazle, it sounds good!

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