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Ask HN: Static Site Generator for Newspaper
2 points by deepspace 10 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
I would like to publish a small local community newspaper. The site would have static content only, so there is no need for a CMS, and I have been burned before by the administrative overhead of protecting WordPress and Joomla sites against attacks.

Ideally, I would like to use an existing template or theme and just customize the header and maybe the colour scheme.

Unfortunately, none of the popular static site generators (Hugo, Jekyll, Gatsby, etc) have usable themes for this purpose. Their theme demo sites are either broken, or the themes look like a bunch of 1990s high school projects.

I found many landing page templates, free and for purchase, that would do the job, but none of them are suitable for dropping into a static site generator as a theme without a lot of work.

My question for HN is: Do you know of any themes for a reasonably popular static site generator that would be suitable for a professional-looking community newspaper?

I would like to publish a small local community newspaper

So publish one.

Themes, backends, etc. don't matter at least until you start publishing.

And maybe not even then.

Content is what matters.

Look at Craigslist.

Good luck.

Drupal can generate static sites it might work better for the whole team than a command line ssg like hugo.

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