I'm the author of devtoolstips.
What exactly makes it feel like a list of ads to you? I'd love to understand this more. I'm, by no mean, a designer, and I do this in my free time. But if there's something that would make it look less marketing-like, then I'd love to know and update the design.
It's too busy with too many elements trying to get the user's focus I think.
Small tips: Remove the underline from the title of the "tip" and increase the margin between the tips themselves by a small amount. Maybe adjust the background color of a tip as well.
I do not agree with the assessment, personally, that it looks like advertising. That said, on mobile, the images could be under the title rather than under the tags, and they could have the same width as the other elements.
The colours and text/image distribution remind me the low quality ads that appear at the bottom of some news places that simply it's a bunch of clickbait and penis enlargement ads
Yes (looking at it from mobile), I think it's because of the fact that the images sit below the tags and there are no separator lines.
My brain just doesn't get the connection between the title/text/tags block and the image at first glance, so it jumps to the conclusion that the image is an ad and not worth looking at.
I only added the survey much later. The survey is just a little thing I added to try and get people to share their frustrations with DevTools, as a way for me to think of other tips that they may find useful, and then add them to the site.
The site is a long-running thing, which I've been running as a side personal project for 2 years now, slowly adding more and more tips, as I (or other people) think of them.
Yes. I have this sudden urge to look for the ad close (x) button for some reason. I think it's the lack of a solid border, or box-shadow, or perhaps the lack of padding of the images. I'm not really sure.
nope, looks alright to me. But then I don't really see ads anymore because of extensive blocking + avoiding. Maybe that's why I don't have that assoiciation
Anyone els feels the same?