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The explanation all makes sense. But the key line of “we all know cvs” is effectively exclusionary to all the other developers in the world who don’t use cvs. At some point they will need new talent which will be harder to get.

If you know git or any other version control then using CVS really isn't that hard; many commands are similar.

And everything is exclusionary to someone. Pure git email workflow? Exclusionary to people who find it hard/difficult, or use email in a different way (e.g. only gmail web UI). GitHub Pull Request workflow? Exclusionary to people who don't want to run non-free JS, or don't want to use "Micro$oft GitHub", or don't like using web interfaces.

Accusing on of the first pioneers of Open Source as being "exclusionary" has got to be a joke.

In many ways, they were there first.

I really don't understand why there's such a tendency to demand "monolithic social networks" even in open source software development. Connecting to people is great when feelings are mutual, but we don't even have a right to be left alone without being accused of being anti-social?

Based on that rationale, anyone using Typescript is being exclusionary to developers who don't know Typescript.

They picked a system that suits the projects work flow, is well documented and a relatively low learning curve for anyone interested. I doubt cvs would be the main turnoff for someone looking to be an OpenBSD developer.

> that suits the projects work flow, is well documented and a relatively low learning curve for anyone interested

Maybe well documented, but "suits the project flow" and "low learning curve", absolutely not

(I mean, ok, maybe "low learning curve" if you're developing a very simple UNIX project in the 90s)

CVS is one of the tools where I literally never look back and say "ok this was nice". SVN and Mercurial something here and there. CVS? Never

That argument would be more analogous if you picked say CoffeeScript. The point is it’s something that used to be reasonably popular but for reasons the vast majority of the world has moved on from.

CVS isn't hard to learn; it's not a barrier for someone who's interested in working on OpenBSD in the first place.

CVS isn't "hard to learn", devs worthy enough to make meaningful contributions to OpenBSD can probably make sense of it in less than a day. It's just... extremely anti-ergonomic given the other options we have today.

Git's popularity only exploded around 10 years ago at most. CVS is more than 30 years old. Make the math.

There is reason Perforce, as crap as it is, is still as popular as it is.

>There is reason Perforce, as crap as it is, is still as popular as it is.

Vendor lock-in? I hated perforce where I used it, but it was mandatory-ware.

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