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>Seeking high social status in a male partner is a good reproductive strategy for human females.

So is taking them for a ride, getting half of their assets and house, and having relationships and babies with other man.


>Sure, you can find outliers that don’t care about such things, but not everyone can marry only a minority of women.

No, but a huge majority can be divorsed at 40, paying alimony, losing half their assets, and wondering why they listened to stupid advice based on "normal human behaviour" and "good reproductive strategies".

Funny also how this "normal human behaviour" and "good reproductive strategies" it's just manifested in the form of a demand for an expensive rock in the US, almost as it's a BS cultural thing and not some evolutionary standard.

No woman in this parts of Europe (and many others I know of) would care for such BS, unless she's the type that goes for older rich guys with expensive cars and yaughts too.

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