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> It comes after the airline barred a teenager from boarding a flight in the US after airport staff discovered he was planning to disembark at his stopover city.

Isn't that like, criminal interference in the welfare of a minor?

I think airlines actually face a lot of liability around the transport of unaccompanied minors--what if they lost the kid? The few times I traveled unaccompanied as a minor, the flight attendants were always checking in on me, knew my itinerary, etc. My parents had to come to the gate and the airlines would not release me to anyone else nor let me wander off.

From that perspective, they face huge downside if they fail to convey a minor to the contracted final destination and then the minor goes missing. A minor who announces the intention to wander away not according to plan sets off alarm bells in someone who has this perspective.

Seems reasonable to refuse service. Entirely and fully in their rights as it should be. This person was not going to fulfil their side of contract that is travel to end destination. So service was refused. And it wasn't under any protected class.

A contract is based on the exchange of value. The value coming from the customer/passenger is the dollars for the plane ticket. Nothing more or less. There is no value in warming a seat for the last (or any) leg of the flight. Therefore, that cannot be regarded as a contractual obligation.

Uh, the airline did not pay the passenger to travel somewhere. holy shit the mental gymnastics to figure some way to pretend that something isn't absurd.

Here is more

> The plan was for the teen to get off the plane in Charlotte where he lives, his father told local television station Queen City News, but before he could board his flight, he was stopped by gate agents and taken to a room.

I find it interesting that no one finds this extremely disturbing. This a staggering abuse of laws to make use of state/federal officers (armed guys) for something very trivial; and the icing on the cake is that the target is a minor.

The idea is that the USA is the land of the free is eroding faster than the North Pole ice.

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